Billing policy
The question of fees should not be a taboo subject. When we provide a service, we charge fees based on the work carried out, the time spent and the complexity of the issues addressed and dealt with.
Transparency and fairness are at the heart of our billing policy.
Our fees can take several forms:
On a flat-rate basis for daily or monthly legal services for clients who want ongoing protection for their organisation and brand and support for growth, but who are not quite ready to mobilise an in-house legal department.
On a time-spent basis for specific issues and one-off needs.
These options can be combined with a performance fee on the sums “won” or penalties avoided, in compliance with the prohibition on quota litis agreements.
Once the choice has been made, the chosen formula is set out in an estimate, followed by a fee agreement, enabling clients to forecast future expenditure and control their budget.
What if we have a historical counsel ?
We wanted to respond to the need for availability, flexibility and a made-to-measure service by creating a legal support service, whether outsourced or on site, that would enable our clients to call on our specific services without having to leave their long-standing and recurring counsel.
We know how to work as a team and respect our partners. We regularly work in support of some of our colleagues on particular issues, when they express the wish to draw on our niche expertise, or when clients are keen to have independent but discreet advice with the necessary tact to facilitate cooperation between the parties involved.
What is legal management ?
It’s a legal support package for a one-off need when a lawyer is unavailable or there’s a peak in activity. We are here to relieve you of the legal management of your business or to help you through a transition.
Do you deal with all subjects ?
No. For services such as legal secretarial work, employment law and tax law, we can call on our network of partner lawyers, whose technical expertise, reliability and responsiveness we can vouch for, to support you in these areas or others that do not fall within our area of expertise.
What are Lawedge's expertises ?
In terms of areas of legal expertise, and to put it simply, the firm specializes in business law and international law: commercial contracts, cross-border disputes, contractual relations with all partners, from suppliers to customers, financial institutions and insurers, and of course competitors. Another key area of expertise is litigation.
The firm has specific expertise in international trade law, mandatory regulations such as anti-corruption, anti-money laundering and regulatory compliance laws, private international law and European law.
LawEdge’s expertise lies in its in-depth understanding of the mechanisms of negotiation, conflict resolution and communication, particularly in a multi-cultural context.